This Arum Lily Flower Bouquet was commissioned to be placed on a grave. The customer lived a long way from the grave and so was not able to visit often to put flowers there. The sculpture is made from stainless steel and polished so it will not rust and will look good...
I was commissioned to make this sculpture of an American Pitcher Plant. It really is the most extraordinary plant which shapes itself in really unusual ways providing quite a challenge to fashion this out of metal.
This bench comprises a seat made from a giant oak leaf with 2 additional leaves and 2 giant acorns. It appears to float out of the ground with the supporting base frame buried in the ground or covered with decorative material such as bark shown in the photos. This is...
Having seen my giant Bluebell garden sculpture on the website a customer contacted me wanting to create a giant Snowdrop garden sculpture for his wife. I have always loved snowdrops and had made smaller versions before and so was delighted to accept this commission....
This sculpture was commissioned for a beautiful 2 acre walled garden. After visiting the site I felt that something inorganic but with an organic feeling would work really well. It took a few weeks of mulling some ideas over and then I came up with this idea. The...
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